Mirrorless cameras seem to be all the rage today. Their lightweight bodies and smaller size combined with exceptional performance have pushed them into mainstream usage. With so many enthusiast and professional photographers jumping on board, it’s no wonder that the most popular models are supporting tethered photography. Here’s a run down of the 4 most popular mirrorless cameras and their support of tethering.

Sony a7
Sony offers a full frame mirrorless lineup called the a7. This includes the a7, a7II, the a7s and the a7r. The a7 lineup has been extremely successful for Sony and the compact size combined with the full frame sensor is a real selling point. For tethering, Sony users can use the provided Camera Remote Control or Capture One Express for Sony.

FujiFilm XT-1
Fuji’s ever popular mirrorless lineup was enhanced last year with the introduction of the XT-1. Featuring interchangeable lenses and an APS-C-sized sensor, this camera is a favorite of reviewers and users alike. Tethering support was just recently added via a firmware upgrade. To tether, you must use Adobe Lightroom and install a Fuji specific plugin.

Panasonic GH4
Panasonic’s version is based off the micro four thirds sensor. The four thirds sensor is just a touch smaller than the APS-C sensor and allows for smaller and lighter lenses. While this camera receives rave reviews for it’s ability to shoot high quality 4k video, it does take excellent still photos as well. To see these still real-time and large, use the Promote Systems USB Tether software.

Olympus E-M1
Olympus’ most popular micro four thirds camera is their flagship model the E-M1. Featuring great weather proofing and in-camera body 5 axis stabilization, dpreviews.com called said “it didn’t fail to impress in the weeks we’ve been using it.” For tethering, use the Olympus Capture software. This software also supports their new E-M5 II.