CamRanger adds Color Calibration with ColorTRUE

Posted by: on Jun 03, 2014

CamRanger adds Color Calibration with ColorTRUE

The CamRanger iPad and iPhone app is now compatible with X-Rite’s color calibrator. X-Rite ColorTRUE is a color calibration tool used to accurately correct the color. If the photographer is viewing images within the CamRanger app using an iPhone or iPad, the colors are not accurate since the colors on these devices drift over time, causing color distortion when viewed. Now utilizing ColorTRUE, the CamRanger app can seamlessly access the ColorTRUE profile within the app allowing the photographer to view images with accuracy. 

If desired, the user can select from a number of predefined environments, such as Outdoors or Office, to more accurately display images based on the ambient light. 

As seen in the image below, the user can easily toggle the ColorTRUE calibration on or off for each image from within the CamRanger app.

ColorTRUE and CamRanger before and afterX-Rite Devices Supported with the iOS version of ColorTRUE:

  • ColorMunki Smile
  • ColorMunki Display
  • i1Pro 2
  • i1Display Pro

Learn more about CamRanger here and ColorTRUE on X-Rite’s website,

To purchase the CamRanger or any iPad Mounting Accessories, visit Tether Tools.