This article was written by Eric Eggly for the Better When You Tether series of articles by professional photographers who experience the benefits of shooting tethered in various shooting environments.
When he’s on the job Eric’s focuses his total concentration on getting the best possible shot for his client. He’s a serious believer in building a highly functioning team, so he can concentrate on client communication. To achieve this on set, he hires assistants to make sure strobes are going off, the stage is set, and props are in place. A makeup artist and stylist keep the models looing fresh. A production coordinator handles all of the crazy logistics. His team needs to be reliable, and the same goes for his gear. When it comes to workflow, Eric looks for gear that saves him time and makes him efficient.
“Never buy a piece of equipment that you can’t justify.” – Gary Cooperman
Years ago when I was assisting, my mentor said to me, “Never buy a piece of equipment that you can’t justify.” Sound business advice that I have lived by since…for the most part.
I’ve always shot tethered for a number of reasons. Art Directors like to see the images as I shoot–It gives them the security of knowing the shot is exactly as they need it. It allows me to check exposure, color and layout since my computers are calibrated. If there’s graphics or compositing, I can line up images in rough form to get an exact layout and perspective match.
A couple of years ago after an extensive nine-day photo shoot in several different locations, I realized the difficulty I was having finding a secure place to set my laptop. At that point I started searching for something to support my laptop securely above the ground. My search led me to TetherTools, which is perfectly designed for the working photographer in studio or on location.
I like to concentrate on one thing during a shoot–getting the best possible shot, which means that my total concentration needs to be on everything in front of my lens. I have assistants that I rely on to make sure all my strobes are going off, stage is set, props are in place, a make-up artist and stylist to make sure the models are fresh and as I envisioned, a production coordinator for everything before, after and in between. The longer you work in the business you find that you simply would need too many assistants to watch after every little thing that might go wrong. For that reason alone you need to buy equipment that you can rely on and will make the shoot go smoother with less worry.
I recommend investing in equipment that saves you time and makes your shoot more efficient. This is what I mean when I say “justify your equipment purchases”, with TetherTools, justification becomes much easier.
About Eric
Creating a view of hyper-reality without the hype. Revealing milli-moments of wonder captured between dimensions. Exposing the what-if within the why-not. Eric Eggly is 20-plus years into a career he loves. Love clearly, magically, joyously, exquisitely, painfully, humorously and artfully always shows. Eric is provocative without the heavy hand of provocation. Eric is dramatic without the drama. Eric is a master photographer without the need to prove it.
Choices of perspective, the use of light vs. shadow and unexpected manipulations of environments are just a few of the elements that distinguish Eric’s work beyond the hoard.
Directing with respect, positivity and passion is a given for Eric. What takes Eric’s direction to another level is an inherent sense of style and an ability to coax the best (or if needed, the worst) out of a subject or situation.
Organizations and companies, like Ansell, Audi, VW, La-Z-Boy and the Detroit Red Wings, plus sponsors F.J. Westcott, Profoto and X-rite, recognize Eric’s extraordinary talents.
Witness the character. Witness the wonder. Witness the work of Eric Eggly.
Connect with Eric on his Website, Facebook or Instagram.