This article was written by Glyn Dewis for the Better When You Tether series of articles by professional photographers who experience the benefits of shooting tethered in various shooting environments.
If I was ever asked to name one thing that during my time as a professional photographer and digital artist had made the biggest difference to my work, I can confidently pin it down to one thing…tethered photography!
“If I was to pin point one thing that helped to take my photography to the next level, without hesitation I’d say it wasn’t the newest camera, it wasn’t the most expensive lens…it was when I started tethering; and we could be here for a month of Sundays if I was to start listing the benefits!” – Glyn Dewis
Now those folks who have never tethered until this point wouldn’t be wrong to think ‘Why?,’ especially when nowadays the displays on the back of our cameras are getting bigger all the time. However, tethering means so much more than seeing your pictures come up on a big screen.

You see, one of the best pieces of advice I was ever given was to slow down both with my photography and my retouching, but seeing as this is more with the photography side I’ll stick to that.
The very nature of who I am means I get totally into what I’m doing and when I get ‘the shot’ I tell you I’m like a kid at Christmas; I never cease to get excited seeing great images appear on the back of my camera but you see that can also be a dangerous time…a time when excitement can take over and things can be missed; this is where tethered photography comes in.
Having my camera tethered to my MacBook Pro slows me down because I want to check shots as they come in. Seeing them appear on a 15-inch screen or larger is priceless. I can check every single detail.
Tethered photography means you don’t miss a thing…everything right and everything wrong with your picture becomes glaringly obvious, whereas a smaller screen tends to hide issues.

Indeed, there are many advantages to shooting tethered; far more than I can cover in this short article. However, despite there being so many, ultimately they all mean one thing…much better ‘out of camera’ images, and for me (as it should be for every photographer out there), that is vital because I want my time in Photoshop to be more creative than corrective!
About Glyn Dewis
Glyn Dewis is a Photographer, Retoucher and Trainer based in the UK. With a very distinctive style Glyn’s work sees him shooting Promotional material for Physique Athletes, Sportsmen/women and Bands through to Commercial work for International Companies such as Air New Zealand.
A Photoshop World Dream Team Instructor, Kelby Training Instructor and Adobe Community Professional, Glyn is well known for his retouching skills and travels Internationally teaching workshops, speaking at seminars and is also a regular contributor to Photography and Photoshop Magazines in the UK, Europe and United States.
You can connect with Glyn on his website, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and Google+.