Located in Columbia, SC, James Quantz Jr. recently put together a historic shoot surrounded with amazing technology, tools, talent, makeup artist and more. This personal project was based on a fictional TV series taking place during the Revolutionary War. With the help of a producer, he was able to pull off a killer promo piece all shot at the Historic Camden Revolutionary War site.
REVOLUTION: Behind the Scenes from James Quantz Jr on Vimeo.
Tethering Advice from Quantz
Since James was using tethered photography both indoors as well as out on location, we were curious about his workflow. So, we asked him about that as well as for some tips and tricks he might be willing to provide to our readers.

Since finding Tether Tools, it has helped me stream my workflow…
on most of my photo shoots as they are normally shot tethered to a computer. Many times it’s expected on large commercial shoots and I find it really helps when working with athletes as well. Tether Tools products like the Aero Table and dependable TetherPro Cables make the process very easy to setup and get running. The wireless tethering (Capture Pilot on this particular shoot) using the Wallee iPad Case and Master Arm, made things really easy for me as the photographer to check composition and focus at the camera and my digital tech could still do his thing at the laptop.

My favorite Tether Tools product is…
For the Revolution shoot I’d say the Wallee iPad System mounted to my tripod had me pretty spoiled!

My favorite part of having a full tethered setup is…
Always having an impressive, organized setup to show off in front of clients…as well as delivering the images they’re expecting!

There once was a time when I didn’t shoot tethered…
But now most of the time when when I’m shooting commercially for clients, I shoot tethered. The system is so easy; there’s really no reason not to have your camera tethered to a large screen.

If I had one piece of advice to someone who wants to dabble in tethered photography it would be…
Practice in a controlled environment to get used to the process prior to getting in front of clients. It’s much better to troubleshoot when you don’t have several people around wondering what’s going wrong!