Tethering Support for the Pentax K-3 and Pentax K-3 II

Posted by: on Mar 29, 2016

Tethering Support for the Pentax K-3 and Pentax K-3 II
Up until recently, photographers using the Pentax K-3 and Pentax K-3 II were left out in the cold in regards to shooting tethered. PkTriggerCord, a tethering software for Pentax DSLR cameras has published an update that will allow Pentax K-3 and Pentax K-3 II photogs to now shoot tethered! Keep in mind that PkTriggerCord is a bare-bones software, designed specifically for shooting tethered. You can read status information, make changes to a few setting, and fire your camera from your computer. We recommend layering PkTriggerCord with either Adobe Lightroom or Capture One, and setting up a watch folder to automatically import your photos into Lightroom or Capture One, which ever you prefer.
As you shoot, the software will pull the image from the camera, drop it in your watched folder, and Lightroom will auto import it into Lightroom.  You now have the ability to automatically apply white balance, presets, cropping and more to the images. Setting up a Watch Folder (Adobe Lightroom) or Hot Folder (Capture One) is easy! Check out the articles below for a detailed step-by-step guide on how to setup each. https://tethertalk.com/2015/02/03/using-watched-and-hot-folders-for-tethered-photography/ https://tethertalk.com/2015/02/09/setting-up-hot-folders-in-capture-one-pro/