Tech Tip: Smart Shooter – Multiple Camera Control

Posted by: on Jul 08, 2020

Tech Tip: Smart Shooter – Multiple Camera Control

Today, I want to introduce you to Multiple Camera Control, one of the Smart Shooter features. There are three PRO functions that are only available only in the PRO version. They are:

  1. Barcode/QR Code Scanning
  2. Multiple Camera Control
  3. External API

Previously, we covered Barcode/QR Code Scanning, now let’s examine how to connect and control Multiple Cameras with Smart Shooter. To follow along, be sure you have the PRO version – if you have downloaded the free trial, you are set. The free trial has all the features of Standard and PRO. Be sure to connect at least two cameras. Ready? Let’s get started!


Windows: File > Options > Name Policy
Mac: Smart Shooter > Preferences > Name Policy

I’m using “multi-camera” in my file name, I enter that, then I add [C] to include the camera name, and [S] for sequence number.

[C] will pull in the name of the camera that is listed in the Camera Tab. By default Smart Shooter receives the camera name from the camera itself. Camera Tab with camera list shown below.

You may want to rename it to something more useful, such as their location on set, “Left” / “Right”, etc. Renaming the cameras to something more descriptive would be beneficial, especially if your multiple camera bodies are the same camera make and model.


  1. Open the Camera Tab.
  2. Select the camera and right click to access the functions drop down menu.

Now that we have everything named exactly as we want, let’s move forward. We can connect multiple cameras and trigger them individually or trigger them simultaneously. First, I’ll cover how to trigger individually.

For those times when you do not need simultaneous shooting, but want the ease of switching back and forth between multiple cameras, use the dropdown menu to quickly and easily switch between cameras to make it the Active Camera.


  1. Check Single.
  2. Select Camera from dropdown list.

Or choose from the list in Camera Tab.   

Note: The orange triangle with a white exclamation point indicates a mismatch of settings across connected cameras. When all connected cameras have identical settings the indicator will not appear.

3. Click the Shoot Button.

Only the camera chosen as the Active Camera will fire. Images will transfer to the Filmstrip and be named as we have set up in the Filename Expression. The Active Camera is indicated in the image file name with a purple band. See below on the right.


  1. Check Multiple box.

This tells Smart Shooter to trigger all connected cameras at the same time.

2. Click Shoot Button.

3. All connected cameras fire at the same time.

4. Images transfer to Filmstrip. Images are named according to the Filename Expression.

And now the best multiple camera feature, I saved the best for last – Multiple Camera Live View.


  1. Enable Live View

2. Set Preview Pane to Cameras – click on Preview to enable the dropdown menu, choose Cameras. This allows all Live View feeds from all cameras connected to appear in the Preview Pane.

3. For this demo, I have two cameras connected. Below you can see both Live View feeds appearing side by side. A flashing green box in the upper left corner of the feeds is the Live View indicator. Each camera is named in the lower left corner of their feed.

Imagine how useful it will be to have multiple cameras set up at the same time. Thanks to Smart Shooter you can be even more productive than you were with Smart Shooter.


● To get started with Smart Shooter, download a 30-day Free Trial
● Smart Shooter supports Nikon, Canon and Sony, and Fujifilm cameras, please check for compatibility with your camera.
● See the Smart Shooter User Guide.
● Check out the Smart Shooter YouTube playlist.