Spring Swag Some with Tether Tools and appleJuce

Posted by: on Apr 07, 2014

Spring Swag Some with Tether Tools and appleJuce

Spring Swag_022114-01


Enough appleJuce for the office/store, at home, and on the road!

Just one application of appleJuce will get your device clean and the surrounding area smelling great too. Use appleJuce to clean and polish all your gadgets and surfaces. AppleJuce is a safe, non-toxic cleaner that is made and manufactured in the USA.

The appleJuce Ultimate Cleaning Setup prize pack includes;

(1) 1/2 gallon jug of appleJuce

(2) oversized 8×16″ black chamois

(2) oversized 8×16″ green chamois (terry cloth)

(2) 8oz pump spray bottles

(1) 2oz appleJuce travel kit

Spring Some Swag Contest

Today, appleJuce is giving away a full collection of appleJuce products. You can win with the Spring Some Swag contest from Tether Tools! Read the rules and regulations then head over to our Facebook page today and finish this sentence: “Using a cleaner that is environmentally friendly is important to me because ________________.”


About appleJuce


Mean, Green, and Ready to Clean! appleJuce screen & device cleaner® is the ultimate electronic cleaner and polish. appleJuce is environmentally and device friendly, it has no alcohol, ammonia, or sodium lauryl sulfates. Finally a non-toxic, water based cleaner that removes the pesky stains, oils and smudges off of iPhones, iPads, monitors, cameras, laptops, televisions, eye glasses and a whole list of things that would end up being really long and boring if we listed them all here. Oh…and the best part is that appleJuce has a great organic green apple scent. We have tried the other device cleaners and we are confident that it works better than any of them…and our customers agree!