Spring Some Swag Giveaway
Phase One is giving away (2) Two Capture One Pro 7 software packages. You can win one of two Capture One Pro 7 with the Spring Some Swag contest from Tether Tools! Read the rules and regulations then head over to our Facebook page today and finish this sentence: “Capture One Pro 7 imaging software will be a great addition to my workflow because _______.”
What is Capture One Pro 7?
Capture One Pro 7 Capture One Pro 7 is a premier raw converter, rendering precise colors and incredible detail with support for leading cameras. It provides flexible digital asset management and all the precision tools needed to capture, organize, edit, share and print – creating stunning out-of-the-box images from more than 250 leading high-end cameras (from Canon, Nikon, FUJIFILM, Samsung, Leica and more). With a fast and intuitive workflow, it can be customized to fit unique project requirements.
Click here for supported camera.
Capture One Pro 7’s instant tethered capture allows for importing and viewing images as you shoot them with the world’s most advanced tethered capture solution. Simply connect your supported camera to view and examine your images on-screen in close-up detail. Use the Capture Pilot for iOS or in a web browser to view and rate your images when away from the computer.
About Phase One
Phase One is the world’s leader in open-platform, high-end camera systems and solutions. Phase One cameras, digital backs and lenses are designed to deliver superior quality image capture and investment value. Phase One’s Capture One and Media Pro software help streamline capture and post-production processes for both medium format and DSLR cameras. Phase One products are known for their quality, flexibility and speed enabling pro photographers shooting in a wide range of formats to achieve their creative visions without compromise. Phase One is an employee-owned company based in Copenhagen with offices in New York, London, Tokyo, Cologne, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Sydney, and Tel Aviv. Phase One and Capture One are registered trademarks of Phase One A/S. All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.