Jim DiVitale is an Atlanta commercial advertising photographer.
Digital photography is about quality control in your image making. Photographers all have the same goal in digital photography, to create beautiful images with precision tonal control, and simplify the production workflow with predictable and repeatable results.
I would love to spend an hour with you on Skype to discuss exactly where are you going with your photography. As a professional commercial photographer and instructor for over three decades, I have been teaching digital capture workflow techniques and advanced Photoshop since the early 90’s. As a photography instructor at the Art Institute of Atlanta, I have specialized in studio lighting, color management, and portfolio preparation to help graduating students fine tune their images to go after the exact market that makes their involvement in photography a booming success.
As a digital imaging instructor at the last 28 Photoshop World conferences, I have been helping attendees with photography portfolios reviews there for over 15 years. As a sponsored instructor for Canon, Adobe, and X-Rite, I have been doing programs and webinars across North America and Europe to help speed up workflow and improve the craft of digital photography.
You can win a 1-hour Skype session with Jim during the Spring Some Swag contest from Tether Tools! Read the rules and regulations then head over to our Facebook page today and finish this sentence: “Having an hour with Jim on Skype, I would like to know _________.”