Spring Some Swag with Tether Tools and CamRanger

Posted by: on Mar 30, 2014

Spring Some Swag with Tether Tools and CamRanger

Spring Swag_022114-01cr-tether-tools-camranger-wireless-tethering-rock-solid-mount-04-webCamRanger is a non-proprietary wireless tethering system that is compatible with a variety of camera manufacturers and models.  Working with an extensive list of compatible Nikon & Canon DSLR cameras, including CF and SD formats, the CamRanger is a fast, reliable, pro-level, wireless tethering solution.  By wirelessly transmitting images via software to an iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch, Mac, PC, Android or Kindle it provides nearly instant visibility of images.  Send images to multiple devices simultaneously and instantly upload to an FTP or file sharing system to collaborate with clients anywhere in the world.  Additionally, when using CamRanger many camera settings can be controlled and adjusted directly from the tablet or computer.

Spring Some Swag Contest

You can win a CamRanger Wireless Tethering System from CamRanger with the Spring Some Swag contest from Tether Tools! Read the rules and regulations then head over to our Facebook page today and finish this sentence: “I would love to have a CamRanger to help me ________.”
