We are excited to announce an event hosted by the Arizona Highway Photo Workshops! Join photographer and Lightroom/ Photoshop whiz, Suzanne Mathia forLightroom 101- The Essentials: as she introduces you to the interface of this powerful image processing and digital asset management program that is designed to meet the needs of today’s digital photographers. Lightroom was designed from the ground up by photographers and exclusively for photographers. Lightroom separates your workflow into logical, individual modules and is designed to process large numbers of images quickly and efficiently, and lets you archive and retrieve your images in a flash!. She’ll show how to use its powerful modules to organize, manage your ever increasing collection of images.
This class will introduce you to the tools that are in Lightroom and provide inspiration and advice on how to get the most out of the program and your images. Suzanne offers tips and tricks on how to set up your various preferences and your computer to get the best results and put the FLOW into your digital workflow. Suzanne will explain the concepts of Digital Asset Management, Raw Processing, Color Management and non destructive processing.
The course covers the basics of installing Lightroom, creating a catalog, importing, organizing and rating images with flags, stars, keywords, captions, location tags; and creating and working with collections and smart collections. This class will also cover how to export, email, and share photos, as well as Lightroom’s ability to work together with the full editing power of Photoshop.
Lightroom 101- will help you understand what Lightroom is, how Lightroom works, How its different form Bridge or other image management software and familiarize you with the workspace. It will provide a solid introduction to the most often used and essential Lightroom workspace modules: The Library Module, where you’ll import, review, export,and organize your images.
Topics include:
· Customizing the interface
· Importing from a memory card, camera or existing folders
· Auto-importing from a watched folder
· Explaining catalogs
· Sorting, surveying and comparing multiple images in a library
· Stacking photos in groups
· Rotating and flipping images
· Adding copyright data to photographs
· Keywording
· Creating and using presets
· The magic of virtual copies
· Collections, quick collections and smart collections
· Adding watermarks
· Sorting and finding any images
The Develop Module, the digital darkroom where you can correct, adjust, retouch, and enhance your photos. This class will introduce you to each of the tools and features in the Develop module, and show you how to perform basic adjustments, such as exposure enhancement; how to improve image quality through noise reduction and clarity adjustments; how to apply creative effects, such as split toning and vignettes; and how to some more advanced tasks, such as correcting for lens distortion and removing chromatic aberration.
Topics include:
· Improving tone, color, and contrast with the Basic panel
· White Balance
· Adjusting hue, saturation, and lightness with the HSL controls
· The “Targeted Adjustment Tool”
· Performing local edits using the adjustment brush with masking
· The magic of the Graduated Neutral Density Filter
· Converting to black and white
· Split toning to create a sepia tone
· Understanding sharpening
· Noise reduction
· Correcting distortion
· Removing chromatic aberration
· Adding or correcting vignettes
· Using the post-crop controls
By the end of this class you will have a solid understanding of Lightroom, catalogs and collections. You will be able to import, sort, rate and most importantly FIND all your images. You will have a basic understanding of the develop tools and be able to export your images to email, DVD, Slideshow, iPad, social media or the web.
This class will prepare you to further explore Lightroom on your own or get ready for Lightroom 102 – Extensive where we will dig deep into the other modules, Map, Book, Slideshow and Print and learn creative and more complex enhancements with the develop module.
Laptop with latest version of Adobe Lightroom loaded.
Dates & Pricing
More dates for 2014 will open for registration after the current workshop closes.