Adobe Lightroom Update Includes Fixed Tethering for Nikon Shooters

Posted by: on Jan 28, 2016

Adobe Lightroom Update Includes Fixed Tethering for Nikon Shooters
Nikon shooters with Mac computers can now shoot tethered to Lightroom!
Photo Courtesy of Adobe
If you’re a Nikon shooter who tethered to Adobe Lightroom on your Mac the past few months have been rough. Well it’s time to celebrate (and update your Adobe Lightroom)! Adobe has released Lightroom CC 2015.44 and 6.4 with a big bug fix addressing an issue that was preventing Nikon users from shooting tethered to Lightroom if they had recently updated to Apple’s OS El Capitan. The bug was a huge detriment to photographers who shot with a Nikon and tethered to a Mac as Lightroom is one of the more popular pieces of software on the market. The latest update is named Lightroom CC 2015.4 or Lightroom 6.4 if you’re not subscribed to Creative Cloud. You can read about the other upgrades, including the new boundary wrap on If you’ve updated Lightroom and you’re ready to start shooting tethered with your Nikon, check out our cable finder to determine which USB cable you need for your model.