With the kick off of Alex Buono’s Visual Storytelling tour, we had the opportunity to ask Alex a few questions about the tour, what attendees can expect and what’s different from the 2013 tour. We’ve embedded the complete interview below as well provided a link to download it as an MP3 file.
Download the interview with Alex Buono as an MP3
Some of my take aways from the interview:
- Alex not only has a ton of experience shooting all kinds of video (films, documentaries, commercials, etc.), he also has the experience of the 1st tour from 2013. He walked away from that with great feedback, suggestions and ideas on how to make the tour more valuable and more practical. He utilized that experience to make the 2015 tour that much better.
- The workshop will be very hands on. Attendees and crew will build out various shooting and lighting scenarios to see how’s it done and what it takes. These scenarios will feature different styles of lighting and filming to give a broad range of education.
- The gear used in the workshop is meant to be modest and readily available. While he could fill the workshop with the latest, greatest and most expensive gear, he wants attendees to walk away knowing they can easily acquire or rent the gear used for the visual setups taught. This means both available and modestly priced.
- Alex has a passion for video that extends into teaching. I’m excited to experience the workshop and I know I will learn a ton.
Tether Tools is happy to support the tour and will be present at many of the tour stops this summer. We hope to see a lot of you out there. Please come up and say hi. If you’re interested in attending any of the tour dates, you can learn more and register at VS2.MZED.com.