Overview from Arizona Highways Photo Workshops
Arizona is home to more species of “scary animals” than any other state in the United States. From rattlesnakes to scorpions to Gila Monsters Arizona boasts the most of the worst. Up until now it has taken an unusual and well trained sort of photographer to capture the grandeur of these critters. After all unless you are trained and have nerves of steel photographing rattlesnakes at close range is not for the average Joe. Even getting close enough to photograph the nonvenomous gopher snake takes some courage that many find difficult to muster. So if you want to take some fantastic photographs of many of Arizona’s venomous and nonvenomous Creepy, Crawly, Critters you are welcome to join Wildlife Photographer Bruce D Taubert and animal wrangler Randy Babb for a day long adventure.
The day will begin with a presentation on how to photograph these strange creatures and how to be safe doing so. After the presentation you will go to a desert location so that your photos can be taken in a habitat type that truly represents where the animals are found in nature. The remainder of the morning will be spent photographing rattlesnakes, Gila Monsters, other snakes and lizards. While Bruce is assisting you in taking the photographs Randy will pose the animals in a natural position so you can take their “portraits”. Both Bruce and Randy will ensure your safety during the morning portrait sessions.
Next you will return to the classroom for lunch, a debriefing on what went well, where improvements can be made, and for some critiques of the photographs that you took that AM. Following lunch and the critiques we will turn the lights off so that you can experience photographing desert hairy scorpions (the largest scorpions) under “black lights”. This is a unique and interesting way to take photographs of these venomous arachnids.
After this brief photography session you will return to the field to continue photographing all of the Creepy, Crawly, Critters that Randy and Bruce have brought with them. At a minimum you will have the opportunity to photograph three species of rattlesnakes, Gila Monsters, Scorpions and an assortment of other snakes and lizards.
Your day with the scary critters will end at about dusk and you will leave with lots of photos of your favorite (or least favorite) animals and a new appreciation for what it takes to take great photos of Creepy, Crawly, Critters.
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