Dodd Camera and Phase One are excited to offer you a unique opportunity to check out the IQ2 series digital backs and training on Capture One Pro 7.
Thursday, November 7th
5:00pm to 8:00pm
Dodd Camera in Cincinnati
FREE admission with registration
Wine and light snacks will be served
Event Details
Capture One Pro 7 training
Jon Gilbert, Phase One Representative, will explain the new catalog feature in the latest version of Capture One Pro 7 and how it has developed into a powerful Digital asset manager. (DAM) He will also provide tips and tricks on how to streamline your workflow.
IQ2 series hands on demo
Jon will be offering personal hands on demonstration where you can shoot with the new IQ2 series digital backs. Learn first hand how the many new features such as wireless connectivity, long exposure and improved image quality will help to enhance your photography.
Open discussion forum
Jon welcomes all attendees to ask questions and discuss issues or concerns about both hardware and software.
**All participants will receive a 25% OFF coupon for a Phase One IQ rental and there will be door prizes!
If you have any questions, please call
Dennis Semick at 216-361-6805