CamRanger App is available for download at the App store. The App is free but a CamRanger device is required for the App to function properly.
iPad, iPhone & iPod Touch software can be downloaded directly from the Apple App Store.
Mac OS X
The Mac OSX is now available for download: version 0.3 (OSX 10.7, 10.8 only)
Windows is currently in beta.
About CamRanger
CamRanger is a non-proprietary wireless tethering system that is compatible with a variety of camera manufacturers and models. Working with an extensive list of compatible Nikon & Canon DSLR cameras, including CF and SD formats, the CamRanger is a fast, reliable, pro-level, wireless tethering solution. By wirelessly transmitting images via software to an iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch or Mac (PC & Android currently in Beta) it provides nearly instant visibility of images. Additionally, many camera settings can be controlled and adjusted from the iOS device.