Location shooting can be a pressure cooker. The models are late, production is running into overtime and you’re loosing the light. When it’s time to shoot, you had better be ready, the gear better run flawlessly and it all comes down to you. Join global location photographer and filmmaker Douglas Sonders for an intensive session focused on the ins-and-outs of on-site location shooting and how to effectively and efficiently improve your professional workflow. Sonders will cover all aspects of tethered workflow, from hardware to software. He’ll address how to establish the most stable and reliable connection as well how to troubleshoot connection problems. And, during a workflow instruction segment, he will offer techniques for automatic adjustments and efficient focusing verification during high-speed shooting, all using his favorite software, Capture One. Every location shooter will benefit from this chance to learn what exceptional digital techs are doing on-site to make everything flow seamlessly and what pitfalls to avoid.
Events Details:
Date: Tuesday October 30, 2014
Time: 7:30am – 9:45am
Speaker: Douglas Sonders
Topic: Bulletproof Digital Tech-ing On Location