Product Suggestion / Feedback

Tether Tools Innovation Lab

    Have ideas on how Tether Tools could help you create great images? Whether it’s an idea for a new Tether Tools product, an improvement to an existing Tether Tools product, or just a nagging problem in your workflow that needs a solution, we want you to tell us about it.

    * indicates required field
    The SOLUTION to your problem is to...
    [group improve-product]
    [group create-product]
    Acceptable file types: doc,docx,pdf,txt,gif,jpg,jpeg,png
    Maximum file size: 2MB

    Terms & Conditions on Sharing Your Product Idea(s)

    Sharing your idea with us is a great idea. We love to help bring people’s ideas to life! Things you should know first… Tether Tools is happy to evaluate your idea and to possibly work with you on creating it. By sharing the idea here, you are claiming that the idea is yours and your are the sole owner of the innovation or if not, you are authorized to share this submission. If you are sharing a patented idea, please include your Patent Number. Tether Tools will evaluate your innovation and may get in touch with you to start a dialogue. Please understand, we’re not committing to any kind of obligation. No oral discussions or representations will be deemed binding as only a written contract signed by an authorized representative of Tether Tools will create any contractual obligation relating to your idea or innovation. Once submitted, Tether Tools has the unrestricted right to use and disclose any innovations submitted. By submitting this idea, you are not entitled to any compensation for the idea and Tether Tools has no obligation to pay for an idea that is submitted. All information and materials provided by you in connection with this submission shall be deemed to be part of this initial submission and shall be subject to these terms and conditions. Please remember that any idea submitted may already be known by Tether Tools or in development by Tether Tools as our research and product development team is always innovating. You are voluntarily submitting your idea on a non-confidential basis and there is no obligation to hold this information in confidence.